In this blog post we would like to point another Erasmus+ funded project “iCoViP” – International collection of virtual patients. This strategic partnership with participants from Poland, Germany, France, Spain, and Portugal aims to create a well-designed high-quality collection of virtual patients to train clinical reasoning. Other than DID-ACT, iCoViP focuses specifically on the training of medical students by providing opportunities to identify symtpoms and findings, develop differential diagnoses, document tests and treatment options, and decide about the final diagnosis.

The project started in April 2021 and continues until March 2023. As a first stept the consortium develops a blueprint that describes the virtual patients based on key symptoms, final diagnosis, and (virtual) patient-related data, such as age, sexual orientation, disability, profession, etc. This approach ensures that the collection is a realistic representation of a real-world patient collective.
More information about the project can be found at icovip.eu
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