Wrap-up of 2021

Just before the holiday season, we finalized a couple of interesting deliverables, reports, and updates.

Most importantly we completed the development of the DID-ACT train-the-trainer courses on clinical reasoning. Overall, eight learning units are available in our learning platform moodle including comprehensive information and documents for future course facilitators. The course development was accompanied with pilot testing of learning units with participants from partner-, associate-, and external institutions. On our website we provide a summary of these pilots and the extensive results of the evaluation activities. These results will inform the refinements of the train-the-trainer courses we will start implementing in January 2022.

We also repeated our Social Network Analysis and published the results including our website and learning management platform hits in this updated summary.

We wish you all peaceful holidays and a happy New Year!

Pilot Implementations on Clinical Reasoning

Looking back at our last chunk of time in the DID-ACT project, we have a lot to be proud of and a lot to look forward to. One of the most exciting and hands-on aspects of this clinical reasoning curriculum launch is where we are right now: Pilot Implementations.

Train the trainer course on clinical reasoning 

In our latest report published, Pilot implementations of the train-the-trainer course, we focused on the train the trainer learning units for our curriculum. These pilots were valuable and insightful in terms of helping the team iron out kinks in content, strategy, communications, etc. Overall, we had 7 courses that covered 4 different clinical reasoning topics up until the end of October. We are pleased to share that this made for a total of 69 participants who included professions such as medicine, nursing, paramedics, basic sciences and physiotherapy, from various partner-, associate-partner, and external institutions. We also had student participants. Overall the feedback was very positive. Next up is to take this feedback given and implement it into the curriculum. 

Quality criteria for pilot implementations

Our quality criteria, which we were successful in achieving, were the following: 

  • More than 50 participants from partner and associate partner institutions, as well as external participants
  • Covering a wide range of topics of the train-the-trainer courses that fit to the partner faculty development programs
  • Piloting of at least two same learning units by 2-3 partners
  • Thoroughly evaluated based on questionnaires for participants and instructors and learning analytics (in alignment with WP5).

Methods for a train the trainer implementation

We used our chosen learning platform Moodle to host our blended learning curriculum. There were several steps taken to ensure implementations were as smooth and consistent as possible. It began with a succinct planning phase. 

Planning phase 

Most of the train-the-trainer courses were chosen in tandem with their student curriculum counterparts. This was done intentionally so that trainers would be adequately prepared themselves to teach the students. Each institution chose their learning unit based on their individual needs and requirements. 
During this time, the consortium met on a regular basis to plan and ensure that quality criteria would be met. As well, alongside doing pilots within our consortium, we elected to have external participants as well for external applicability. 

Implementation phase 

The implementation happened differently at each institution and recruitment ranged from emails to specific cohorts to full public university call. During this time, each member was supported by Instruct to ensure that course access, structure of the pilots, and required facilitator resources were accessible and clear. This included a roadmap on how to use the Moodle platform as that was highlighted previously as an area with need support. Differences were also du to use of course forums and analysis of feedback within the learning platform.

Analysis and feedback phase

One of the deliverables for work package 5 was an evaluation questionnaire, as well as an analysis of the usage data. The former was given to participants at the end of the learning unit. Alongside this evaluation, each facilitator was given a short template to fill in for more qualitative reporting on their experience. Each of the responses was categorized and discussed together.


In the end, we piloted 4 interprofessional sessions and 3 with external participants. Feedback was generally positive and otherwise anything that could be termed as less than ideal is being used as constructive feedback for further refinement. Our biggest wins were that the interactive aspect was found to be highly valuable and the facilitators from varied professions was appreciated. Our constructive feedback was around Moodle and Casus being unclear as tools, too little time, teaching topic vs teaching how to teach was a crunch, as well as how the conversation veered toward medicine due to the unbalanced participant professions (i.e too many phyisicans versus physiotherapists in one group).

Pilot implementation conclusions

Overall, the consortium deems this round of clinical reasoning pilot implementations a success. There are points we need to work on, such as Moodle clarification, additional tutorial video was already produced,  and time constraints, which will all be addressed in the coming review period for the learning units. What’s more, the consortium will be delving during to the conclusions on the didactical and content-level for the learning units via the evaluation results reported in D5.2. These will all be brought forward during the overall revisions and improvements slated for D3.3 which begins in January 2022. 

A Review of Reviewing Itself: Improvements on DID-ACT’s Learning Unit Review Process

The DID-ACT project’s in-person September meeting in Bern, Switzerland, brought forward many interesting insights and opportunities for streamlining tasks. Aspects of effective project management in our development of a clinical reasoning curriculum were brought up a few times. Some key takeaways were small, like how to more clearly manage our folders using the feedback from the interim report. Larger topics, like tools for effectively writing blog posts and reports, were also brought up. These tools help to ensure the language of posts are at an appropriate audience level. One of our largest takeaways was how to streamline the review process for our learning units (LU) in a way that was more time-efficient and thorough.

Streamlining the curriculum review process

Our previous process for reviewing the learning units developed was to set up a small working group. Groups would be given a week or two for review, then come together to discuss our thoughts using a standardized review template. The team who developed the learning unit would then implement the necessary implementations based on feedback. Following this, there was a final review opened to the group.  We noticed a few downfalls to this method: 

  1. It took many weeks to get the review done due to requiring a sync between the entire team;
  2. Things slipped through the cracks upon the more scrutinized review that the Moodle implementation required; 
  3. By not being as high a stakeholder as, for example, someone who was testing the learning unit themselves, reviewers were not as engaged as needed for proper scrutiny.

This third point was the experience of one of the EDU teammates when preparing to implement the Person-Centred Care learning unit for trainers.

New review process for clinical reasoning learning units

omething many of us know about preparing anything is that running through it in detail, as close to how it will be used in real life, is a key part of ensuring you are producing a quality item. This is exactly the circumstance Jennifer and Daniel found themselves in when preparing their PCC learning unit pilot. Despite having made it through the pre-described learning unit review process, tiny errors slipped through. Ideas around how to more effectively use time, adequate prep for an activity, and Moodle implementation itself were all aspects of the curriculum we could streamline before the actual pilot. The EDU team brought this experience forward to the consortium at the Bern meeting and from this fruitful discussion came the following modified review process: 

  1. LU’s are to be completed in batches
  2. When a working group has their LU prepared for review, they email the consortium and a review group of 2-3 people, including 2 of the authors, is formed using a Google doc sign up sheet
  3. A review date is agreed on
  4. At this point, the team is to review the learning unit asynchronously
  5. Upon meeting synchronously, one of the authors is to proceed to run through the learning unit as if they were piloting it. The second is to take notes of their own as well as marking the reflections of the ‘learners’
  6. Amendments are to be made and when completed go through a final review before being added to Moodle. 

This modified review process helps to ensure that there is a stronger stakeholder in the review, the person who has to actually teach it to their teammates. We will keep you posted on how it goes!

For any questions regarding this process, please contact us!

DID-ACT meets in Bern: Interim report, sustainability and dissemination

After a long wait due to the pandemic, the DID-ACT project team with partners and associate partners had the opportunity to once again meet face-to-face. From the 22-23rd of September, teammates from Slovenia, Malta, Germany, and Poland travelled to Bern, Switzerland. Regrettably, due to travel restrictions, the Örebro team members, as well as Steve Durning from the USA, could not attend physically. Despite this limitation, they were fully present virtually alongside other associate partners. Thanks to the fantastic technical support by Bern University, all partners from home could be switched to the meeting and were present on a separate screen in the room. The audio and video quality were very good and synchronous discussion was possible.

Our virtual participants from Örebro University

Objectives of Meeting in Bern

The main objectives of the meeting were to many beyond catching up with the status of the project. We spent significant time discussing the evaluation and feedback results from the interim report, immediate and longer term next steps, as well as initiating the sustainability and integration guideline deliverables.

Interim Report for the DID-ACT Project

The interim report feedback was quite positive. However, there is also some room for improvement. Improvements highlighted include documentation and visibility of project outcomes concerning quality indicators, document structure, and better connection between related work packages (WP) 5, 6 and 8. Alongside these, connection to our central work packages and creating the learning units (LUs) in WP3 and 4.

Our next challenge is the upcoming pilot implementations to be held at the various institutions. Starting in September 2021, we still have some learning units in the realm of clinical reasoning left to develop. The curriculum development workload continues at high speed until the end of the year. Our previous process, including our process for reviewing learning units, will be fine-tuned for a more practical and effective approach. These were discussed during the meeting at Bern and will be further highlighted in a coming blogpost.

Sustainability & Dissemination in a Clinical Reasoning Curriculum

While the topics of dissemination and sustainability have been ongoing throughout the project, we took our face-to-face meeting as an opportunity to cement next steps. We feel that the sustainability concepts resulting from the pilots will be very valuable. There will also be external feedback included. We will create a minimal plan for cost-covering in the first years after the project ends based on the many ideas that surfaced in the meeting. Additionally, we will focus on integration of project results into partner curricula and inclusion of associate partners to also recruit people and keep the project content alive.

In addition to the very fruitful and motivating discussions held during the day, the evening was equally well-spent. We had a team lunch followed up by some ice cream, as well as dinner and a walk around the ‘old town’.

Group picture (from left to right: Martin Adler ( Instruct), Christian Fässler (ETH Zürich), Živa Ledinek (University of Maribor), Alice Bienvenu (University of Augsburg), Jennifer Vrouvides (EDU), Inga Hege (University of Augsburg), Melina Körner (University of Augsburg), Sören Huwendiek (University of Bern), Claudia Schlegel (Berner Bildungszentrum Pflege), Monika Sobočan (University of Maribor), Małgorzata Sudacka (Jagiellonian University), Andrzej Kononiwcz (Jagiellonian University) and virtual participants Desiree Wiegleb Edström (Örebro University), Samuel Edelbring (Örebro University), Marie Lidskog (Örebro University), Daniel Donath (EDU), Steve Durning (Uniformed Services University)).

It was a great pleasure to at least meet the vast majority of the team in a face-to-face environment. We plan to have our next face to face meeting in Maribor early next year. Following that, we hope that rescheduling our next meeting in May 2022 in Krakow can be held. We are hopeful that the COVID19 situation will allow these meetings. This face-to-face time is a great experience for the development of the project as well as for our development as colleagues. 

Thanks to our host Sören Huwendiek organizing the meeting and all partners and associate partners contributing to this project meeting.

Project presence at AMEE – the largest European conference on Health Professions Education

The AMEE 2021 Conference was held as a virtual conference from 27-30th August 2021. The conference attracted thousands of participants from around the world.

The DID-ACT project was represented by two oral presentations and active participation from several project members.

Samuel Edelbring and colleagues presented and discussed our curriculum framework in a presentation called “Development of our framework for a structured curriculum: Outcomes from a multi professional European project”.

Key points from the presentation were:

  • An overarching model for curriculum development (Kern 2016)
  • Presentation of our 35 learning objectives in 11 themes and 4 levels
  • Characteristics on the what and the how of our clinical reasoning curriculum
  • Some practical examples of learning activity designs

Magorzata Sudacka from Jagiellonian University presented an E-poster about the complexity and diversity of barriers hindering introducing clinical reasoning into health professions curricula – results of interprofessional European DID- ACT project.

Inga Hege and colleagues presented and discussed “Differences in clinical reasoning between female and male medical students in a virtual patient environment”. They found that female students created more elaborate concept maps than the male students. They were also more likely to complete the VP’s. However, no differences were found on the diagnostic accuracy.

Project Half Time – Our Clinical Reasoning Curriculum Development

Time has flown by quickly and the DID-ACT project, which began in January 2020. The project’s kick off began with the analysis of specific learner and educator needs for the development of a curriculum. We developed, in the beginning, a structured analysis of the needs and from that a set of learning goals and objectives on what a clinical reasoning curriculum should cover. Previous group work demonstrated that in medical education, explicit clinical reasoning curricula is needed, but not many health care institutions currently teach it explicitly. The project was therefore a welcome stepping stone to the development of the needed curricula. A big effort of our project is therefore to incorporate all needs identified through the survey prior to the project, and the in-depth needs for a clinical reasoning curriculum developed through the needs analysis, within the DID-ACT project.

The year 2021 marked an important step in the development of our clinical reasoning curriculum: Initiating the development of our first learning units. The learning units are the building blocks for our curriculum. The project intends to build 40 learning units for students and educators in total that educators can use, according to their needs, to implement either the whole curriculum or parts of it in their home institutions. The learning units focus on aspects such as theories of clinical reasoning, collaboration and interprofessional learning, or errors and biases in clinical reasoning (see Deliverable 2.1).

Our development groups spent and continue to spend time on developing and refining the learning units for both applicability and adaptability so that educators can use teaching content to their fullest potential. The learning units also include specific teaching methods and thus can be adapted to a particular institution’s framework.  Reviewing the learning units is an integral part of this process. Upon initial completion, all learning units are further refined by a collaborative peer review done asynchronously followed by a synchronous session during a team DID-ACT meeting by multiple health professionals, learning designers, and other educational experience providers. Once the review process and revision following feedback is done, the learning units are implemented on our chosen learning management system.

The learning units are publicly available at with your institutional credentials or after registering with any email address :

Reflections from the Medical Education Forum 2021

The 2nd Medical Education Forum (MEF) hosted from 4 to 6 May 2021 as a virtual meeting was an opportunity to review and summarise current research outcomes in medical education. It was organised by Jagiellonian University Medical College, McMaster University and Polish Institute for Evidence-Based Medicine. The live event had five speakers from the DID-ACT project (Samuel Edelbring, Inga Hege, Sören Huwendiek, Małgorzata Sudacka & me) and had 110 participants from 24 countries, most of them from Canada, Poland and Ukraine.

During the MEF conference, I took on the task of reviewing the most recent systematic reviews of virtual patients effectiveness. A review of reviews is called an umbrella review. Effectiveness of virtual patients is an important topic for the DID-ACT project because we use this type of education resources as a vehicle to deliver interactive exercises to practice clinical reasoning in the designed DID-ACT curriculum. To see how effectiveness is measured of clinical reasoning outcomes is also important to inform the DID-ACT project pilot evaluations. 

I have identified in the recent three years five systematic reviews of virtual patients effectiveness. This included a systematic review I completed with my colleagues from the Digital Health Education collaboration in 2019. For me personally, preparation of the MEF presentation was an interesting exercise that gave an opportunity to see how much the results obtained in our former review align with the outcomes reported in other reviews published afterwards. To check it makes sense as systematic reviews often have unique scopes defined by the selected inclusion criteria, data extraction and synthesis methods and therefore may differ. 

The reviews published after 2019 were carried out by international teams from France, New Zealand, South Korea, UK and USA. Only one, similar as we, included all health professions; the remaining focused on particular health professions: nursing, medicine, pharmacy. The studies either included all possible outcomes or selected a particular skill. It was interesting to see that the skill that was in particular in the scope of interest in syntheses in the recent years were communication skills. The conclusions of the studies were consistent across the different professions and topics. The studies reported benefits of application of virtual patients in education with hardly any exceptions. As Lee and colleagues (Med Educ, 54(9), 2020) concluded in their systematic review, the effectiveness of virtual patients can be even more improved when their use is preceded or followed by reflection exercises and human-teacher provided feedback. The technological features of virtual patient platforms were less important. 

You may learn more about the result of my umbrella review, presentation of the other DID-ACT project speakers and the follow-up Question & Answers sessions as video recording.

More about virtual patients ….

In this blog post we would like to point another Erasmus+ funded project “iCoViP” – International collection of virtual patients. This strategic partnership with participants from Poland, Germany, France, Spain, and Portugal aims to create a well-designed high-quality collection of virtual patients to train clinical reasoning. Other than DID-ACT, iCoViP focuses specifically on the training of medical students by providing opportunities to identify symtpoms and findings, develop differential diagnoses, document tests and treatment options, and decide about the final diagnosis.

Screenshot of a virtual patient in CASUS

The project started in April 2021 and continues until March 2023. As a first stept the consortium develops a blueprint that describes the virtual patients based on key symptoms, final diagnosis, and (virtual) patient-related data, such as age, sexual orientation, disability, profession, etc. This approach ensures that the collection is a realistic representation of a real-world patient collective.

More information about the project can be found at icovip.eu

Developing a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum

Curriculum Development Process

For the development of  the DID-ACT’s online clinical reasoning curriculum we will be following the six step Kern cycle for curriculum development. Kicking off our third and fourth work package in January 2021 signalled the start for detailed planning and development of learning units. As of now, we have started with 4 units, but based on our curricular framework, we will be developing a total of 40 learning units. These units will be aligned with a collection of case scenarios and virtual patients. Together, these will allow for interprofessional and deliberate practice of clinical reasoning.

We started this process by providing an exemplary learning unit (“What is clinical reasoning – an introduction”) and a template for describing a learning unit. We then divided into smaller teams to develop the first four learning units on different clinical reasoning-related theories in parallel. Each team includes partners from different health professions across Europe. Each team has varying levels of expertise, ranging from students to experienced clinicians or educators. The diversity of knowledge and experience are key elements for developing a clinical reasoning curriculum that reflects the various needs of health professions across Europe and beyond.

Upon completion of each learning unit, each unit will be reviewed within our team and by associate partners. The units will then be revised accordingly and implemented into Moodle, our learning management system, using available OERs. We will create new resources ourselves, if needed. After a final review, all learning units will be made publicly available to be freely used by students and educators.

Pilot implementations

We will pilot selected learning units from the student curriculum and the train-the-trainer course within our partner institutions during the summer and fall 2021. The evaluation results of course participants and facilitators will be the basis for further refinements of our clinical reasoning curriculum. For that purpose, we aim to include at least 500 students and 50 educators.

Work Package 2 Summary: What eating elephants and teaching clinical reasoning have in common

At the end of December 2020, the DID-ACT project consortium welcomed two things: the holidays and the successful completion of Work Package 2. This post aims to provide an update on what that entailed, what we completed, as well as provide a short overview of what we are going to be developing in Work Package 3. To begin, we will provide a brief overview of what we learned using the age-old rhetorical question: “How do you eat an elephant?” To which the answer is, “not in one bite”. 

This rhetorical question is often used to illustrate how overcoming large and complex challenges is done by dividing them into smaller chunks. That when broken down into bite size pieces, these challenges are easier to manage. In the case of the DID-ACT project and beyond, every clinician, educator or researcher who has tried to describe the nature of teaching clinical reasoning, has realized this challenge. As a team, we most definitely learned this throughout work package 2 as we represent a collection of diverse professionals with the same ultimate goal, but with different ideas on how to get there.

When broken down further, we explored and learned how teaching clinical reasoning is a challenge that is inherently multifaceted. One facet, for example, is the complexity of a clinical situation, a second, is the need to grasp the nature of the varied competencies required to address the situation at hand, and third is how to support the learning of these competencies effectively.

Developing a clinical reasoning framework

Last fall the DID-ACT consortium developed a clinical reasoning curriculum framework that included clinical reasoning quality criteria. In addition to the above challenges, we emphasized having an interprofessional clinical reasoning curriculum. Our interprofessional framework was conceived with the input from different nations and educational cultures, all conducted online due to the current pandemic. So – similar to a complex clinical situation, we faced a plethora of challenges when producing and describing a clinical reasoning framework. This work led us to the development of two curricula: one directed to health professions students and one for teachers.

What makes a good clinical reasoning curriculum?

When we zoomed out to get a clear idea of the big picture, we noted a few crucial pedagogical aspects: a strong focus on student-centeredness; a perspective in which the student takes responsibility for their own learning process; as well as a strong connection to relevant clinical situations which means that knowledge and competencies were applied to context. We also noted that the philosophy of “constructive alignment” will be used when designing our clinical reasoning learning units. In practice, this means that the intended learning outcome should direct choices when designing learning activities; thereby creating a harmony between the clinical reasoning learning activities and how they are assessed. This means that the intended learning outcomes hold a central position when designing your clinical reasoning learning activities, assessments, and learning units overall. That is why we structured our interprofessional clinical reasoning framework according to ~ 50 learning objectives in an interdisciplinary consensus process.

Categories for the DID-ACT student curriculum and the train-the-trainer course

DID-ACT’s Health Professions Education Framework

Did we eat the metaphorical elephant in this project phase? Yes! 

By using our various knowledge and skills collectively, then by dividing the bigger task into parts and iteratively working in small and greater teams, we put parts back together to form a much clearer picture. Building from Work Package 1, we had a framework that is grounded in an interdisciplinary needs analysis directed towards a breadth of European health professions schools to launch from. When taking our learning into WP2, our work entailed bringing forward and evaluating a large amount of open learning resources for clinical reasoning based on our desired learning outcomes. It was essential that these learning resources were accessible and of a strong quality for our online clinical reasoning curriculum. When we tied our learning objectives, outcomes, assessment ideas, and open resources together, we created a well-rounded, interprofessional framework and the beginnings of an actual online clinical reasoning course.

At this point, you are most welcome to look at our identified learning objectives, the framework and our recommendations to current national curricular descriptions on our reports page. Hopefully you and your school can benefit from them in order to support explicit learning of clinical reasoning. There is also a collection of existing open educational resources to support you, your students or colleagues that support clinical reasoning.

Virtual Patients (VPs)

The virtual patients integrated into the DID-ACT learning units are partly taken from the EU-funded project iCoViP and form the collection for deliberate practice. The virtual patients are freely accessible via the CASUS system at https://crt.casus.net and a description of available VPs with key symptoms and final diagnoses is available in this blueprint. Thus, you can choose VPs suitable for your students and also offer them the whole collection for longitudinal and deliberate practice.

Participants: Medical educators

Learning units: Person-centered approach and the role of patients
Level: Teacher

Description: Offered as part of the faculty development to faculty educators.
Mode: Part to the faculty development program with emphasize on the educational potential of clinical reasoning teaching techniques

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle, synchronous sessions were held via the virtual platform NewRow.

Tips & Tricks:

Participants: Multi-professional educators (nurses, physicians, paramedics)

Learning units: What is Clinical Reasoning and Models
Level: Teacher

Description: Offered as additional faculty development opportunity to staff members of the Medical Education Department.
Mode: Option / additional part to the faculty development program with emphasize on the educational potential of clinical reasoning teaching techniques

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held face-to-face.

Tips & Tricks: Give participants time to familiarize themselves with the learning material between the sessions. Do not put too much in one day - better to meet twice for shorter sessions. Face-to-face sessions lead to more productive discussions than Zoom meetings. Focus on discussion with the audience and on examples from practical teaching to illustrate the learning objectives.

Participants: Multi-professional educators

Learning units: Differences and similarities in clinical reasoning among health professions
Level: Teacher

Description: Offered as part of the faculty development program, it was held as a blended learning course with the synchronous phase online.
Mode: Part of the faculty development program with certificate

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held online via Zoom.

Tips & Tricks: Give good practical information how Moodle works and how the participants can find and work with the different assigments of the learning unit. Emphasize the importance to the participants to work with the different individual tasks, as the discussions will be more interesting and fruitful. Also important that all the participants from different occupations feel comfortable to meet and that they all are a part of the discussion. This is an important and maybe the primary task for the facilitator!

Participants: Multi-professional and international educators

Learning units: Clinical Reasoning teaching and assessment & What is Clinical Reasoning and Models
Level: Teacher

Description: Offered as optional learning unit for participants of the Master of Medical Education (MME) program in Bern/Switzerland.
Mode: Part of the faculty development program with certificate

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held face-to-face.

Tips & Tricks: To foster a valuable learning experience it is indispensible to provide good case examples that are tailored to the needs and experiences of the participants, so that they can relate to their prior knowledge. Thus, the provided examples in this learning units might need some adaptations for your target group of educators.

Participants: Multi-professional educators across German-speaking coutries

Learning units: Differences and similarities in clinical reasoning among health professions
Level: Teacher

Description: Offered as part of the faculty development program at the University of Augsburg, but open to participants from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It was held as a blended learning course with the synchronous phase online. Participants were eager to exchange their experience and disucss their views across institutions and professions.
Mode: Part of the faculty development program with certificate

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held online via Zoom.

Tips & Tricks: To foster a valuable interprofessional experience the participants should represent a balanced mix of professions and also ideally the facilitators should at least represent two different professions. This allows a good discussion and also guarantees that the small groups can work interprofessionally. Our experience with a less-balanced group composition was that the over-represented profession dominates the discussions and it was quite difficult to counter-balance this.

Target group: Medical students in year 2

Learning units: Person-centered approach to clinical reasoning
Level: Novice

Description:The Learning Unit was run as an extra-curricular session as a virtual class. The facilitators were trained on this topic by attending the Train-the-trainer learning unit on "Person-centered approach and the role of patients".
Mode: Extracurricular activity

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held online via NewRow.

Tips & Tricks: Learning objective cross-referencing with the existing curriculum helps identify the level of integration. Encouraging and helping students to get familiar with Moodle before the session facilitates a smooth integration of the asynchronous phases.

Target group: Medical students in year 4 and 5

Learning units: Generating differential diagnoses and deciding about final diagnoses
Level: Novice

Description: The learning unit was integrated into a pediatric emergency department clerkship with a relation to virtual patients already used in this clerkship. Facilitators were trained by attending the train-the-trainer unit on "Information gathering, Generating differential diagnoses, Decision making, and Treatment planning".
Mode: Part of a regular curricular activity

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held face-to-face.

Tips & Tricks: Integration into clerkships works well, especially with a relation to already used content.

Target group: Medical students in year 1-6

Learning units: All 25 learning units of the DID-ACT curriculum
Level: Novice - Advanced

Longitudinal integration of the DID-ACT learning units into a clinical skills & communication course with the following suggested distribution across years:
Year 1: What is Clinical Reasoning, Person-centered approach to clinical reasoning, Health profession roles in clinical reasoning, and Biomedical Knowledge & Clinical Reasoning. (Required time in curriculum ca. 5 hours / semester)
Year 2: Dual Process Theory, Illness scripts, Collect and prioritize key clinical findings/problems, and What is clinical reasoning and How can theories be put into practice (Intermediate). (Required time in curriculum: ca. 4 1/2 hours/semester)
Year 3: Generating differential diagnoses and deciding about final diagnosis, Biases and cognitive errors - an Introduction, Analyzing and avoiding errors. (Required time in curriculum: ca. 4 1/2 hours/semester)
Year 4: Using the Outcome Present State Test Model, Developing a treatment plan, Metacognition, reflection and models for reflection, Collaboration of health professions in Clinical Reasoning (Intermediate). (Required time in curriculum: ca. 6 hours/semester)
Year 5: All remaining intermediate learning units: Shared Decision Making in Clinical Reasoning, Decision Support Systems, Ethical aspects - patient management and treatment, Uncertainty. (Required time in curriculum: ca. 5 hours/semester)
Year 6: All 6 advanced learning units: Collaborate with others in clinical reasoning, Decision Support Systems, Biases and cognitive errors, Uncertainty, Metacognition, reflection and models for reflection, Analyzing and avoiding errors.
(Required time: ca. 6 hours / semester. Final year students often have a day/week off from clinical work so these days could be used for DID-ACT learning units and optional participation in the train-the-trainer units)
Years 1-5: Virtual Patients (VPs) as additional deliberate practice activities in increasing number and complexity (e.g. starting with 5 VPs (=ca. 1.5 hours)/semester) in Year 1 and increasing to 10 VPs/semester) in Year 3-5.
Mode: Integrated into a clinical longitudinal course that runs from year 1 to 6 resulting in a total of 2.4 ECTS.

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions face-to-face or online.

Tips & Tricks:
Alining a longitudinal curriculum with curricula of other health professions remains a challenge and requires careful and early planning, but the asynchronous phases might be a good starting point for interprofessional teaching sessions. The VPs can be quite easily aligned with other curricular courses e.g., based on key symptoms.

Target group: Medical students in year 3

Learning units: Person-centered approach to clinical reasoning
Level: Novice

Description: The learning unit was integrated into the Laboratory Training of Clinical Skills. This course consists of six face-to-face meetings for groups of around 10 students. Within the meetings the students discuss various topics related to communication skills and person-centered approach. The fifth of the six meetings of the course was replaced by the DID-ACT learning unit. Students could then refer back to this learning unit during final session of the course.
Mode: Part of a regular curricular activity

Technical Integration: Access to the DID-ACT Moodle via EduGain, synchronous sessions were held face-to-face. If possible, a uniform technology to provide access to the online resources in the class (using university tablets in our case) and support of the technical staff on-site was helpful to lower the technical barrier.

Tips & Tricks: Changing of the standard format of classes is interesting and motivating for the students. Virtual patients are a tool to present authentic clinical scenarios which are appreciated by the students. A blend of role-play and virtual patients allows students to take advantages of the two methods to reach the learning objectives.

Target group: Medical students in year 2 and nursing students in year 3 across Europe

Learning units: Collaboration of Health Professions in Clinical Reasoning
Level: Intermediate

This learning unit was implemented with , aside from clinical reasoning, tow additional objectives: 1) providing internationalization experience for students without traveling. 2) Deepening the knowledge of one's own professional roles and responsibilities and knowledge of another profession .
Mode: Extra-curricular interprofessional learning session with international participants

Technical Integration: Self-registration on DID-ACT Moodle, synchronous sessions via zoom.

Tips & Tricks: Facilitators running this course and supporting the discussions should be careful about supporting and encouraging all the participating professions' perspectives.

Target group: Medical students in year 1 and 2 (preclinical) across Europe

Learning units: Introduction into Clinical Reasoning & Health profession roles in clinical reasoning
Level: Novice

Description: The course was offered as a blended learning module to students from different medical schools in Europe as an international elective. Synchronous phases were held online via Zoom. The international aspect was very motivating for students and they learnt a lot from each other by exchanging their perspectives and how they are taught clinical reasoning vaspects. This teaching mode could also be implemented as an activity to welcome or prepare new Erasmus students. Facilitairs were trained by attending the train-the-trainer learning unit on "Differences and similarities in clinical reasoning among health professions".
Mode: Elective course

Technical Integration: Self-registration on DID-ACT Moodle, synchronous sessions via zoom and use of Padlet for interactivities.

Tips & Tricks: The organization with the registration of students was a bit complex, so, we suggest just setting dates and let students book. Allow enough (more time) for discussion and introduction rounds as participants do not know each other and are eager to hear and learn from peers at other schools and countries. Ideally, this session could also be held interprofessionally, however, it makes the finding of suitable dates even more complex.

How to teach synchronously in a virtual setting

  • You need a reliable camera, microphone, and virtual platform and be familiar with its features, such as whiteboard, chat, polling, breakout rooms, etc.
  • At the beginning establish communication rules, e.g. whether participants should raise their (virtual) hand, use the chat, and/or just speak. Also, we recommend asking participants to turn on their camera
  • For small group work break out rooms work very well, just be clear about the tasks the groups should work on prior to dividing them into the groups.
  • For collaboration the use of integrated virtual whiteboards or other platforms such as Padlet are very useful. Just make sure prior to the session that you have everything setup and the links at hand, e.g. to post them in the chat.
  • Allow a bit more time for starting the session and the group works as there might be participants who are not familiar with the platform or technical problems might occur.

How to motivate unprepared participants

  • Make clear that the asynchronous assignments are a core part of the course and that its content will not be repeated. Even if it is difficult, stick to that when starting the synchronous teaching session.
  • If you expect unprepared participants, you can start the session with a student-centered group exercise mixing prepared and unprepared students to increase peer-pressure and make them realize that being unprepared does not feel good.  
  • Use the introductory or closing quizzes / tests so that participants can self- assess whether they have the required knowledge and you as a facilitator can see the level of knowledge and preparation of your participants.

Further recommended reading:

How to involve participants with different levels of experience

  • To account for such different levels, we recommend making use of the asynchronous preparatory phases which also include introductory quizzes in which participants can self-assess their prior knowledge and you as a facilitator can assess the differences within your group. Participants with less prior experience can also be guided to additional preparatory resources.
  • Encourage participants to work in pairs or small groups when preparing so that they can help and learn from each other. You could even facilitate this by dividing them into groups with different levels of experience.
  • Similarly, during the synchronous phases, we recommend forming groups with participants different levels of experience and emphasize the peer support aspects of such group activities.
  • We also recommend starting with rather smaller groups and allow more time than stated in the course outlines, if you expect a heterogenous level of experience. This way you can better manage this challenge.
  • Encourage your participants to ask questions, emphasizing that nobody knows everything and that it is important for learning to ask questions.  
  • Especially in the train-the-trainer course you might have to deal with over-confident participants, who especially in an interprofessional setting can dominate the group. This is a complex cultural challenge, but you could try to establish (and follow) communication rules at the beginning of a session.  

How to address potential overlaps or redundancies

  • Identify what is already included and what is missing in your curriculum related to clinical reasoning outcomes and compare it to the DID-ACT blueprint. Prioritize learning outcomes that are not yet covered but regarded as important.
  • Identify activities, resources, or teaching sessions with similar learning outcomes that might be in need for change anyway because of low evaluation results, teachers or students struggle with it. These could be suitable for adding or replacing parts with DID-ACT activities.
  • Ask teachers and students about overlaps and gaps they see in their teaching / learning of clinical reasoning and where they struggle. This could also be done by a reflection round after related teaching activities in the curriculum
  • Although ideally a longitudinal integration is aimed at, we recommend to starting small with a pilot implementation to gain experience and develop a show case.

How to teach in an interprofessional setting

  • Allow for enough time prior to the teaching for the organization and motivation / encouragement of stakeholders and participants
  • Allow for enough time and guidance during the course so that the participants from the different professions can get to know each other and their professions and discuss their different perspectives. This might mean that you need to calculate some extra time in addition to the suggested duration of the learning unit.
  • There may be a different understanding of clinical reasoning in the different health professions, so we recommend making participants aware of this. You could for example use and adapt activities from the learning units on the health profession roles to facilitate this.
  • Courses in an interprofessional setting should not come too early in the curriculum (not before professions have formed their own professional identity - however, this also depends on the aim of the course). 
  • Make sure you have enough participants from different professions. If possible, the facilitator could divide the participants in smaller groups with an equal distribution of professions. 
  • Similarly, you need an equal distribution of facilitators / facilitators from different professions.
  • Develop customized learning materials considering the different professions. If needed you can adapt the material and activities provided in the DID-ACT curriculum.

Further recommended reading:

van Diggele, C., Roberts, C., Burgess, A. et al. Interprofessional education: tips for design and implementation. BMC Med Educ 20, 455 (2020). (Link)

Theoretical / Background Knowledge

These resources and activities summarize all topics from the student learning units to introduce educators to these concepts. These resources are part of the train-the-trainer courses and marked as "optional" . Thus, they can be used optionally by course facilitators if participants are not yet familiar with basic concepts.

Theme(s): All basic concepts of clinical reasoning
Level: Educators
Format: Additional resources and material provided for each train-the-trainer learning unit that can be integrated if needed, e.g. if participants are quite new to the topic. These resources cover the basic concepts of a topic without going into the teaching aspects, so they can be used as preparatory steps.

Metacognition, reflection and models for reflection

Similar to the novice learning unit learners are asked to complete a reflective diary for five days. However, in this learning unit they should focus on critical or difficult situations in the clinical context.

Theme(s): Errors & biases
Level: Advanced
Format: Asynchronous online preparatory phase (ca. 60 min) with a synchronous follow-up meeting (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.07
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Ethical aspects - patient management and treatment

his learning unit provides an introduction into bioethical principles, consent, capacity, and ethical clinical reasoning.

Theme(s): Ethical Aspects
Level: Intermediate
Format: Asynchronous online preparatory phase (ca. 60 min) with a synchronous follow-up meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Decision Support Systems

The learning unit includes the generation of a decision tree based on a breast cancer data set from radiology department using the RapidMiner software package and an elaboration of the concepts of sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, we will apply Bayesian reasoning and give an opportunity to discuss the base rate fallacy problem and the use of electronic calculators to judge the risk. The learning unit is finished with a discussion of the barriers/facilitators of using computers/AI in hospitals to support clinical reasoning.

Theme(s): Gathering, interpreting, and synthesizing information, Decision making
Level: Advanced
Format: Synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min) followed by an asynchronous phase (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.1
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources


In this learning unit, the approach of practice inquiry will be introduced and applied.

Theme(s): Biases & errors
Level: Advanced
Format: Asynchronous online preparation (ca. 60 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.07
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Analyzing and avoiding errors

This learning unit will provide general and specific aspects of a morbidity and mortality conference and apply the knowlege by working through a case report.

Theme(s): Biases & errors
Level: Advanced
Format: Asynchronous online preparation (ca. 60 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Biases and cognitive errors

This learning unit introduces additional errors and biases and your will have the opportunity to work on virtual patients to identify error-prone situations.

Theme(s): Biases & errors, Ethical aspects, Theories of clinical reasoning
Level: Advanced
Format: Asynchronous online preparataion (ca. 60 min) for a follow-up synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Shared Decision Making in Clinical Reasoning

In this learning unit, learners will be familiarized or re-familiarized with the basic concept of shared decision-making (SDM) in a way that serves as a steping stone for how to implement key concepts and models into practice. A job aid on shared decision-making will be a takeaway from this learning unit.

Theme(s): Patient Perspective, Decision Making
Level: Intermediate
Format: Asynchronous online preparation (ca. 60 min) with a follow-up synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Collaboration of health professions in clinical reasoning

In this learning unit you will be able to apply interprofessional aspects of clinical reasoning and understand similarities and differences between the clinical reasoning of health professions. This facilitates a better communicate across professions in the clinical reasoning process to meet the needs of the patient.

Theme(s): (Interprofessional) Collaboration
Level: Intermediate
Format: Starting with two synchronous meetings (each 60 min or combined) followed by an asynchronous follow-up (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.1
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Decision Support Systems

The aim of this learning unit is to facilitate a discussion about which aspects of clinical reasoning can be supported by artificial intelligence and what the limitations of machines in clinical reasoning are.

Theme(s): Gathering, interpreting, and synthesizing information, Decision making
Level: Intermediate
Format: Synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min) with a follow-up asynchronous phase (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.1
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Evaluation of Clinical Reasoning

This learning unit provides an overview about surveys and questions suitable to evaluate clinical reasoning teaching. It also introduces the relevance of learning analytics.

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning
Level: Educators
Format: Self-guided on-demand course with different material on clinical reasoning evaluation (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.03
Links: Course

Discussing and teaching about cognitive errors and biases

In this learning unit participating educators and clinicians will have the opportunity to share ideas on how a culture for discussing errors should look like. They will also learn more about most common errors and biases in clinical resoning and (teaching) strategies on how to avoid these. This learning unit supports educators in teaching the student courses on the novice level: Biases and cognitive errors, Uncertainty, and Analyzing & avoiding errors

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning, Errors & biases, Theories of clinical reasoning, Ethical aspects
Level: Educators
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 60 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min). Optional additional activities are provided for beginners (ca. 80 min).
Recommended ECTS: 0.08 (including optional phase: 0.13)
Links: Participant course - Facilitator resources

Information gathering, Generating differential diagonses, Decision making, and Treatment planning

This learning unit is designed to support educators in implementing the student courses on Collect and prioritize key clinical findings/problems, Generating differential diagnoses and deciding about final diagnosis, Developing a treatment plan, and Biomedical Knowledge and Clinical Reasoning

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning, Gathering, interpreting & synthesizing information, Generating differential diagnoses, Developing a treatment / management plan, Decision making, Ethical aspects
Level: Educators
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 60 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 60 min). Optional additional activities for beginners are available (ca. 60 min).
Recommended ECTS: 0.07 (including optional phase: 0.1)
Links: Participant course - Facilitator resources

Person-centred approach and the role of patients

This learning unit prepares educators to comprehensively and confidently teach the the learning unit on Person-centred approach to clinical reasoning. This unit will take educators through the learning content provided in the learning unit, as well as supports them in familiarizing themselves with the resources and exercises. Educators will have the opportunity to create their own teaching notes as part of this learning unit.

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning, Patient perspective
Level: Educators
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 60 min), followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min). Optional additional activites are available for beginners (ca. 100 min).
Recommended ECTS: 0.08 (including optional phases: 0.14)
Links: Participant course - Facilitator resources

Differences and similarities in clinical reasoning among health professions

This learning unit introduces teaching methods for clinical reasoning in different healthcare professions and prepares educators to teach the learning units on Health profession roles in clinical reasoning

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning, (Interprofessional) collaboration
Level: Educators
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 60 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 70 min). Optional additional activities provided for beginners (ca. 120 min).
Recommended ECTS: 0.07 (including optional phases: 0.14)
Links: Course,Facilitator resources

What is Clinical Reasoning and Models

This learning unit familiarizes healthcare profession educators on teaching aspects related to the clinical reasoning process and terminology of the different health professions. This includes how to explain the importance of clinical reasoning in the different health professions to students and how to support students in reflecting on clinical reasoning theories. The learning unit prepares you for teaching the novice courses on What is clinical reasoning, Dual Process Theory, Outcome Present State model, and Illness scripts.

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning, Theories of clinical reasoning
Level: Educators
Format: Two synchronous meetings (ca. 60 and 45 min) with asynchronous phase (ca. 45 min) in between. Optional additional phase with ca. 45 min.
Recommended ECTS: 0.08 (including optional phase: 0.11)
Links: Course, Facilitator resources

Clinical Reasoning teaching and assessment

This learning unit provides and overview about teaching and assessment methods for clinical reasoning. It also highlights some general apsects, such as the importance of constructive alignment or how to organize group discussions.

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning
Level: Educators
Format: Self-guided on-demand course with different material on clinical reasoning teaching and assessment.
Recommended ECTS: 0.03
Links: Course

DID-ACT clinical reasoning curriculum

This learning unit provides an overview about the DID-ACT student curriculum including all course outlines and resources neede to implement these learning units. It also introduces a tutorial on how to read the course outlines and use the provided resources.

Theme(s): Teaching clinical reasoning
Level: Educators
Format: Self-guided on-demand course with different material on our DID-ACT curriculum including all course outlines for student learning units and material needed.
Links: Course

Analyzing and avoiding errors

Along a case report this learning unit introduces the root cause analysis (RCA) to analyze errors and start to find ways for preventing / avoiding errors.

Theme(s): Errors & Biases
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 90 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 70 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.09
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Metacognition, reflection and models for reflection

In this learning unit reflection models will be introduced and self-reflection will be applied on form of a reflective diary.

Theme(s): Errors & biases
Level: Novice
Format: Synchronous meeting (ca. 60 min), followed by an asynchronous online phase (ca. 80 min) and a concluding synchronous meeting (ca. 80 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.12
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources


The aim of this learning unit is to introduce situations of uncertainty and strategies that can be applied in such situations to avoid errors.

Theme(s): Errors & biases
Level: Intermediate
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 60 min) followed by a synchronous session (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Biases and cognitive errors - an Introduction

This learning unit provides a basic introduction into the topic of biases and cognitive errors. It introduces a selection of common biases, such as premature closure or confirmation bias with providing the opportunity to elaborate on these biases with case vignettes.

Theme(s): Errors & biases, Theories of clinical reasoning, Ethical aspects
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 70 min) with a follow-up synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.09
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Developing a treatment plan

This learning unit provides an introduction into the topics "EBM in the context of clinical reasoning" and "developing a treatment/management plan" for students with no or some prior clinical experience.

Theme(s): Developing a treatment / management plan, Ethical aspects, Patient perspective
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 45 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 80 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Generating differential diagnoses and deciding about final diagnosis

This learning unit introduces different methods of creating and organizing differential diagnoses. There is also opportunity to practice the finding of differential diagnoses as well as discriminating and confining features on a prototypical case.

Theme(s): Generating differential diagnoses, Decision Making
Level: Novice
Format: Two synchronous meetings (ca. 90 min each) with an asynchronous phase in between (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.13
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Collect and prioritize key clinical findings/problems

This learning unit highlights how to collect and prioritize key clinical findings using case examples.

Theme(s): Gathering, interpreting & synthesizing information
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparatory phase (ca. 45 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.06
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Biomedical Knowledge and Clinical Reasoning - Knowledge Encapsulation

This learning unit explains the interconnection of biomedical knowledge and differential diagnoses formulation and explores different techniques to visualize encapsulated knowledge.

Theme(s): Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Level: Novice
Format: Two synchronous sessions (ca. 60 min each) with an asynchronous learning phase in between (ca. 45 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.09
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Person-centered approach to clinical reasoning

The goal of this learning unit is to define what a 'person perspective' is in the context of healthcare provision and highlight why it is important when providing a quality healthcare experience. Learners will also visit the definitions of biomedical information as well as recite the terminology "diagnostic and analysis" in a way that helps patients and their families understand this stage in healthcare provision. Lastly, learners will combine the above into practical ability using questions that promote support for families and patients using terminology that facilitates mutual understanding.

Theme(s): Patient perspective
Level: Novice
Format: A synchronous meetings (ca. 90 min), with a preparatory and a follow-up asynchronous phase (ca. 90 and 45 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.13
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Collaborate with others in clinical reasoning

This learning unit provides basic knowledge within different healthcare professions or across medical specialisations e.g. surgery, internal medicine and their collaboration with others in clinical reasoning.

Theme(s): (Interprofessional) Collaboration
Level: Advanced
Format: Asynchronous online preparation (ca. 60mins) for a follow-up synchronous meeting (ca. 90 mins)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Health profession roles in clinical reasoning

This learning unit provides an introduction to the various health professions involved in health care on the subject of clinical reasoning. The unit has been developed for beginner and novice learners, and is appropriate for those who have and have not yet had extensive clinical experience due to the team aspect of the assessments. The learning unit will highlight varied professions ranging between physiotherapy, medicine, nursing, and occupational therapy and learners will be able to compare and contrast the definitions of clinical reasoning within said professions, as well as relate how this team-understanding fits into the broader picture of healthcare, with a goal to establish a common understanding and definition of 'clinical reasoning'.

Theme(s): (Interprofessional) Collaboration
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparatory phase (ca 45 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 90min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.08
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Using the Outcome Present State Test Model

This learning unit provides an introduction into the the Outcome-Presenter-State model for clinical reasoning, which is applied especially in nursing. The learning unit is designed for novices of all health professions who are at the beginning of their education.

Theme(s): Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparation phase (ca. 80 min) with a follow-up synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.09
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Illness Scripts

This learning unit provides an introduction into scripts in general and more specifically into llness scripts for novices who are at the beginning of their education and do not have any prior knowledge or experience with illness scripts.

Theme(s): Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Level: Novice
Format: Two synchronous sessions (ca. 160 min) with an asynchronous learning phase (ca. 60 min) in between
Recommended ECTS: 0.12
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

Dual Process Theory

This learning unit provides an introduction into the dual processing theory amd highlights the differences between system 1 and system 2 reasoning.

Theme(s): Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Level: Novice
Format: Asynchronous preparation phase (ca. 90 min) followed by a synchronous meeting (ca. 90 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.1
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

What is clinical reasoning and how can theories be put into practice

This learning unit covers how clinical reasoning theories can be used/applied during beside teaching, internships or other patient-centered situations and why it is important to know these theories. It deepens the differences and similarities of clinical reasoning in the health professions, terminology used and importance of clinical reasoning.

Theme(s): Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Level: Intermediate
Format: Asynchronous preparation (ca. 45 min) for a follow-up synchronous meeting (ca. 60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.07
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

What is Clinical Reasoning - An Introduction

This learning unit provides an introduction into the topic for novices who are at the beginning of their education and do not have any prior knowledge or experiences with clinical reasoning.

Theme(s): Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Level: Novice
Format: Synchronous meeting (60 min) followed by asynchronous follow-up (60 min)
Recommended ECTS: 0.07
Links: Student course - Facilitator resources

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