It is hard to believe our clinical reasoning project is already ⅔ complete. Being the final year of the project, we look back at our learning units, pilots, and evaluations with appreciation for how they bring us into the project’s next phase.

Curriculum Refinements
The DID-ACT project team is currently full speed toward our next round of project deliverables. Building from last year’s pilots implementations, we are taking our curriculums into their refinement stages. We will be working on the train-the-trainer (TTT) course’s refinements (D3.3), which we aim to have ready by May. Alongside this, we are finalising the student curriculum (D 4.1), which we will have ready by the end of March.
Upcoming Student Clinical Reasoning Curriculum
Happening simultaneously is the evaluation and analysis of learner activities for the student curriculum (D5.3). Our results, retrieved from the pilot implementations of the student curriculum, are being sorted and reported on under the leadership of Dr A. Kononowicz (Jagiellonian University). We look forward to these results as they will be implemented as refinements for the student course, which is planned to start in April 2022.
Curriculum Integration Guideline
Apart from the curriculum, the curriculum integration guideline is being prepared. This document will serve as a guide for various institutions aiming to integrate the curriculum into their own institutions. While it is currently being drafted as part of WP7, led by EDU and supported by Instruct, it will need to be refined after the curriculum is completed. This will go hand in hand with the sustainability model, which is due at the end of the project.
Dissemination of the results of the project and research done by partners surrounding the project will also continue; results will be shown at medical education conferences, including the AMEE.
Time speeds forward as we are working to bring this project to life and help support educators and students develop their clinical reasoning skills. Here’s to the DID-ACT project starting off 2022!