On September 26th and 27th 2022, our Polish project partners hosted our final face to face project meeting in the beautiful city of Kraków, Poland.
There were feelings of melancholy since we all really enjoy working together on this project which is soon coming to an end. However, there was also optimism for future collaborations, along with the remaining work and the online meetings.
In Kraków we had many inspiring discussions relating to the sustainability plans for the project, along with discussions about dissemination and our long-term integration plans.
On the first day, we presented the different approaches to integrating the clinical reasoning curricula at our institutions, including some discussion about the bottom up and top down integration approaches, and the pros and cons of each. The results and outcomes of the project were also discussed, as well as some specifics about the finalization of the project. On the second day, we focused on the sustainability plans and further research to be published, and agreed on some dissemination activities.
We all learned a lot from each other’s fruitful ideas and the team spirit was strong!