Curricular Blueprint
The table shows an overview about the DID-ACT student curriculum (2.26 ECTS) including learning units for the train-the-trainer course (0.46 ECTS). The blueprint is based on the categories, themes, and learning outcomes that have been developed as part of WP2. Each cell represents one learning unit (LU) with one or more colored dots for the category/ies on the left-hand side indicating the level of ceompetency (see explanation below the table). To access more information on each LU, please click on the name or the i-symbol. We also provide a pdf version.
Theories of Clinical Reasoning
Self-Reflection & Attitudes
Errors & Biases
Gathering, interpreting & synthezising information
Decision Making
Generating dfferential diagnoses
Ethical Aspects
Teaching Clinical Reasoning
Developing a treatment plan
(Interprofessional) Collaboration
Patient Perspective